Affiliate Marketing Disclosure

Although Professional Hispano was built to serve the community, the reality is that there are expenses associated with running a website. As a result I will often provide recommendations for products and services that I feel the community might be able to benefit from. These relationships provide compensation for the exposure to those merchants that help to support the community and fund improvements.

Only products that I’ve personally used or can vouch for will be recommended.

Although we are not doing business in person, I still feel that the reputation of this site is important and requires trust from my readers. If a product has awful reviews and a high payout, we’re going to skip over it. The purpose of these recommendations is to improve the livelihoods of our readers, not add additional stress.

What is an affiliate link?

You’ll see links throughout the site leading to these merchants. These are called affiliate links and although they potential compensation to us, there is no cost to you. In fact the whole process is pretty seamless and has no impact on your purchasing experience although in some cases the vendors will come up with special offers or discounts for our readers.

Additional information

All products or services that are recommended are assumed to be legal in your local jurisdiction. If this is not the case please do not proceed. Anything stated on this site is the opinion of Professional Hispano and not influenced by any merchant or vendor. 

If you have feedback on any of my recommendations please communicate them whether positive or negative as this might affect whether we continue to recommend or not.

For any additional questions or comments please fill out the form below to contact me